6. - 8. Juni 2013
Organisation of 6. Vienna Aesthetics Symposium and 11. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie with the title BILDER ZEIGEN SELBST. Visualität und Ikonizität als Herausforderungen für die Kulturpsychologie. Conference Website
4. - 5. Oktober 2012
Lecture and Workshop Prof. Barbara Vinken: Sind Männer die neuen Frauen? Ästhetik der Moderne und die Mode.
13. - 14 Juli 2012
Workshop at Berliner Methodentreffen
7 - 9 June 2012
Presentation and Participation at Fashion Tales (13th International Conference of ModaCult - Center for the Study of Fashion and of Cultural Production of the Università Cattolica of Milan)
31 May - 1 June 2012
Lecture and Workshop Prof. Dr. Jürgen Raab
24-25 May 2012
Presentation and Participation Beyond Representation: Photography, Humans and Computers. London Southbank University.
10 April 2012
Workshop Edgar Goméz-Cruz
1 December 2011
"Bild und implizites Wissen". Lecture at Faculty of Psychology
28 November 2011
"Welches Wissen vermitteln Bilder? Beispiele aus Werbung, Architektur und Familie." Lecture at Mercur Innovationstag, Wiener Wirtschaftskammer.
23 November 2011
Project-Workshop with Prof. Dr. Monika Wohlrab-Sahr
18 November 2011
Workshop "Hillary's Hand" at University of Hildesheim. read the articles on this workshop in our news section
6-8 July 2011
Participation and presentation at the conference of the International Visual Sociology Association at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
3-4 June 2011
Participation and presentation at the convention "Analysing Visual Data" at the University of Klagenfurt
14 April 2011
Participation in interdisciplinary lecture series "Visual Studies" at the University of Vienna
14 December 2010
Faculty lecture "Teaching and learning Qualitative Methods" at Ruhr-University Bochum.
3 und 4 December 2010
Conference "Fashionable Queens" - Departments of Anglistics and Sociology, University of Vienna
2 November 2010
Presentation of Project at Universität Leipzig
20 October 2010
Presentation of Project at FU Berlin - Discussion of empirical material in Ralf Bohnsack's research lab