Iconic Communication
An empirical study on iconic communication in fashion
In a digitalised world, pictures are omnipresent and we talk about them naturally. But more often, we communicate within this medium, without words. We do not know a lot about this immediate understanding; but certain formal structues like the projection of perspective and the planimetric composition (see below) are crucial for the process of understanding.
The project intends to decode these structures and open up empirical access to orientations, desires and fears that are communicated wordlessly within and through pictures. Fashion is primarily mediated visually and serves as object of research: analysis of the intersection of commercial, stereotypical and everyday, authentic styles also sheds light on the visual constitution of identity.
look without looking at superiority and inferiority in one gaze
Dr. Aglaja Przyborski's Project "Iconic Communication" (Project Number V156) is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) within the Elise-Richter-Program.